Design of creative marketing collateral for brands and campaigns for all channels including social media, email, and web. Work includes:

  • Planning and implementation of impactful marketing strategies

  • Content creation– the entire design, including: layout, typography and all copy development, line drawings, and photography and photo-editing

  • Analysis of data (via analytics and metrics platforms) and consumer needs to improve positioning and marketing ROI

exhibited: Small sampling of campaigns on email and social media channels – client: Olly Oxen


Creation of all graphics and copy. Campaign strategy and assessment includes A/B testing, segmentation, and targeted advertising.


Campaigns, photography, copy, management, and use of analytics and metrics platforms. In addition, design of all corresponding media for social media and other channels.

click to view all campaign imagery

click to view all campaign imagery

Holiday Campaign – Based on data analytics, Olly Oxen followers have the most positive responses to and highest engagement with content that displays the family component of the business... they want to see the three siblings behind the company and our sense of humor in our marketing and promotions. Given this, I incorporate the family and humor components into our creative vision.

The "12 Days of Awkward Sibling Christmas Photos" was a particularly successful campaign that I planned and implemented during the holiday season to promote our large holiday sale. In developing this campaign, I did the following:

  • planned all scenes for "awkward day"

  • art directed the photography

  • built shot list

  • selected key props and merchandise

  • designed all marketing collateral– social media, video, email campaigns, and web
